Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Welcome to the Team 7-4 Daily Blog
Thursday,  May 16, 2013

Math:   Students went over the FA  over 9-2 -9-6.  We then used meter sticks and found measurements and filled out a worksheet.  No homework.

Pre-Algebra:   Students went over Formative Assessment over lessons 8-1 - 8-3.  We then reviewed Volume of certain shapes and then took the FA over that. 

Geography: Final Review from the year.  Final day for ALL grades are May 20th.  There will be homework/study guide on Thursday.

English:  The Outsiders Movie! 

Science:  Students were given a final day to work on their species project. Be ready to present your project tomorrow!

Contact Team 7-4

phone: 308 698-8135


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