Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome to the 7-4's
"Team BOB" Daily Blog
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Math: We finished up lesson 7-8 and looked at lessons 7-9 & 7-10 and assigned some homework from those two lessons. Each class had different problems to complete depending on how much we got done in class. We will have a quiz over lessons 7-6 - 7-10 tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: We finished up lesson 5-8 and students worked on Chapter 5 Study Guide Review. We will have a "Quest" over Chapter 5 tomorrow.

Science: Continued the frog dissection, today the digestive system and lungs. Friday's class is in 113.

Geography: Continuing Chapter 5-Canada. Vocab quiz over Sec 2. Passport activity. Textbooks need to be taken to class Monday, Tuesday and Friday of this week. Retakes over Canada Quiz need to be retaken by Friday the 21st! (69% or lower qualifies)

English: Write a show, don't tell paragraph due Friday. Hand in the DL Sheet 18-19.

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phone: 308 698-8135

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