Thursday, January 08, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Welcome to the Team 7-4 Daily Blog
Thursday,  January 8, 2015

Math:  Students went over their Holiday Shopping Spree projects and then learned how to estimate adding and subtracting fractions/mixed numbers.  Complete the first line of homework problems for lesson 3-6 for tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra:   Students went over their Holiday Shopping Spree projects and then jumped into lesson 4-1 dealing with exponents.  Complete the homework for tomorrow.

Science: Students worked on dissecting the internal organs of a frog.  Students tried to inflate the lungs and some groups removed the digestive tract and measured its length.

English:  Student revised their rough draft descriptive essay. They have 3 sentences and 4 words to do in their packet step 10.

Honors English: Students finished words on wordmasters and continued working on their word cards. Word cards are due on Monday.

Geography:  We read an article, "World on a Plate," and answered some discussion questions together as a class.  Students then worked on a red atlas worksheet introducing the 12 countries in the Hungry Planet Unit-- we will work on this worksheet tomorrow also.

Contact Team 7-4

phone: 308 698-8135


Mitch Sanny - Math                   Randi Kuhn - Geography

Jessica Eidem - Science              Emily Davidson - English

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