Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

Welcome to the Team 7-4 Daily Blog
Friday,  September 22, 2017

Math:  Students watched a magic video and then read articles and answered questions from the scholastic math magazine.

Pre-Algebra:  Due to many kids being gone due to Cross Country, the quiz over lessons 1-8-1-10 was pushed to Monday.  No homework.

Science:  Students played Kahoot to review for the ecology test.  The test over ecology will be given Wednesday, September 27th. Study your flashcards!  Students also completed the google doc over the secret lives of plants.

English: Students learned about linking verbs. They received a short worksheet. Some students got it done in class. It's due on Monday. TDA take-home quizzes and etiquette emails are due today. AR is due on October 18th.

7th Period English: Students learned about helping verbs. They received a short worksheet. Some students got it done in class. It's due on Monday. TDA take-home quizzes, etiquette emails, and "D" memories are due today. AR is due on October 18th.

AR is due on October 18th. AR is due on October 18th. "D" memories are due on Friday.

Geography:   Students caught up on some current events. They had a small reflection assignment after. No homework!

Contact Team 7-4


Mitch Sanny - Math                   Randi Kuhn - Geography

Jessica Eidem - Science              Emily Davidson - English

Online English website:

If you are absent, go to this website to see what you missed: