Friday, December 02, 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

Welcome to the Team 7-4 Daily Blog
Friday,  December 2, 2016

Math:   Students took a mult fact quiz, graded 3-3, went over 3-4 and are to complete the homework for Monday.  The $1.5 Billion project will be due next Wednesday.

Pre-Algebra:  Students jumped into lesson 4-1.  Complete the homework for Monday. The $1.5 Billion project will be due next Wednesday.

Science:  Students applied their knowledge of Punnett Squares and created a baby dragon using their parent dragons.  Monday will we finish creating our baby dragons.  Your current event was due today, but you can turn it in late (with points deducted) - go to Google Classroom for the form and find your current event on Newsela.  Don't forget to copy and paste the article to your form.  A study guide was handed out today.  Genetics test = Friday, December 9th.

English: Students worked on their research project. No homework, but AR is due December 19th. :)

7th Period English: Students worked on their Giver Projects. They need to read CH. 11-13 if they haven't done so already. AR is due December 19th.

Geography:  Students caught up on current events by watching CNN student news. They also could work on their maps during this time. Students can check out a textbook if they need it to finish their maps. The map will be due on today for 50 points. 

Contact Team 7-4


Mitch Sanny - Math                   Randi Kuhn - Geography

Jessica Eidem - Science              Emily Davidson - English

Online Math/English website:
     math password and username:  hms74
     pre-algebra password and username:  hms74pa

If you are absent, go to this website to see what you missed: