Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Welcome to the Team 7-4 Daily Blog
Friday,  March 20, 2015

Math:  Students went over lesson 5-4, did a quick review and then took the Chapter 5 Formative Assessment.  No homework.

Pre-Algebra:   Students had class.  No homework.

Science: Students took the quiz over bones and muscles and their locations.  No homework.

English:  Students turned in their 6 Word Memoirs. We wrote a response to "Your Phone Could Ruin Your Life" in their composition notebooks. If they didn't get done, then they need to finish for when we get back from spring break. Please read your AR book!

Honors English: Students worked on their word cards for WordMasters. These are due when they get back from spring break.

Geography:  Students had an opportunity for 8 extra credit points today in class.  Homework:  Maps if they ARE NOT finished.  Have a GREAT spring break! 

Contact Team 7-4

phone: 308 698-8135


Mitch Sanny - Math                   Randi Kuhn - Geography

Jessica Eidem - Science              Emily Davidson - English

If you are absent, go to this website to see what you missed: