Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Welcome to the 7-4's
"Team BOB" Daily Blog
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Math: We graded the 7-6 Homework, went over some examples for the Birth Announcement Project and then covered 7-7. Have the homework problems done for tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: We finished up 5-5, answering questions, then covered 5-6 and started 5-7. There may be homework for tomorrow. Ask your student.

Science: Took an organ location pretest and started the frog dissection. Wednesday's class is in 113.

Geography: Continuing Chapter 5-Canada. Sec 2 GR WS (Guided Reading). No homework tonight if class time was used wisely! Textbooks need to be taken to class Monday, Tuesday and Friday of this week. Retakes over Canada Quiz need to be retaken by Friday the 21st! (69% or lower qualifies)

English: Write a paragraph about your favorite animal. Use figurative language, sensory details etc. in the paragraph. Paragraph due Wednesday. Spelling Quiz B today.

Contact Team 7-4
phone: 308 698-8135
emails: mitch.sanny@kearneypublic.org, randi.kuhn@kearneypublic.org
kent.sughroue@kearneypublic.org, michelle.barry@kearneypublic.org

Visit Horizon's Homepage: http://horizon.kearneypublicschools.org/
Visit Team 7-4¹s daily homework blog: http://horizon74.blogspot.com