Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our email still down. Mr. Sanny is starting a new email contact list. Email Mr. Sanny at if you would like him to add your email to the list.

Welcome to the
Team Double Oh 7-4's Blog
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Math: Students went over the chapter wrap up and reviewed for the test. THE CHAPTER 2 TEST IS TOMORROW.

Pre-Algebra: Students went over the problems from 2-7 and worked on the problems from 2-8. Complete them for homework.

Science: Learned how to make Punnett squares to figure the probability of getting different genes. Started the graded hands on practical test: "Genetics with a smile".

English: Interjections in class. Study guides were handed out for our test over Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections on Friday. We will go over the study guide together in class tomorrow. Homework: WRITE #3 due Friday. AR goals are due on Wednesday, October 21.

Geography: Students were given an extra day to continue on Landform Books in the media center. Landform Books will be due October 16th!!! Homework is to finish landform books!

Contact Team 7-4
phone: 308-698-8135

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