Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Welcome to the
Team 7-4 Hawks
Homework Page!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Science -Lab 113 all week. Finished answering human genetic questions on Tuesday. Test over genetics is Thursday and science current events are due Wednesday.

Math - Students continued Pawzies and Neggies and had a worksheet dealing with subtracting of integers. Students were given a worksheet with adding and subtracting integers to complete for tomorrow. Students were also reminded to save and bring in store ads that you get in the weekend newspaper. We have a BIG project that we need a lot of ads for. The Million Calorie Food Drive starts next Monday. You can bring in items then. GO TEAM SANNY!

English - Continued taking notes over short stories. Be sure to read 20-30 minutes and complete your 4 reading strategies.

GEOGRAPHY - Learned about the forces that shape our earth- plate tectonics and erosion. Studyguide for chapter 1 test given today (Due Thursday). Chapter 1 test on THURSDAY!!!

Reading- Read for Real Class Activities

Contact Team 7-4
phone: 308-698-8135
emails: mitch.sanny@kearneypublic.org, roan.howard@kearneypublic.org
kent.sughroue@kearneypublic.org, michelle.westerbeck@kearneypublic.org

Visit Horizon's Homepage: http://sites.kearneypublic.org/horizon/
7-4's Homework page: http://horizon74.blogspot.com/