Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Welcome to the
7-4 Orange Oompa Loompa
Homework Page!!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Science - Wednesday's class is in 119. Today we learned how to improve our memory by doing different activities.
Math - Students turned in their homework, went over how triangles are classified. Students were given a word search to complete for tomorrow.

English - In class students discussed chapters 10 & 11. Finish chapter 12. Have questions ready for tomorrow.

GEOGRAPHY: Students read excerpt from "Guns, Germs and Steel." Discussed how the Spanish conquered the natives of Central and South America.

Reading- Class Activities

Contact Team 7-4
phone: 308-698-8135
emails: mitch.sanny@kearneypublic.org, roan.howard@kearneypublic.org
kent.sughroue@kearneypublic.org, michelle.graddy@kearneypublic.org

Visit Horizon's Homepage: http://sites.kearneypublic.org/horizon/
7-4's Homework page: http://horizon74.blogspot.com/